We supply the following
types of gemstone:
The name Aquamarine is derived from the Latin words "aqua" = water and
"mare" = sea, thus indicating the colour of the seawater, blue and translucent.
Most sought after and considered the most valuable are the deep blue qualities.
The most important Aquamarine occurrences are located in Brazil, Madagascar, Mozambique,
Nigeria and Zambia.
The best-known Berylls are:
Emerald; green-coloured Beryll,
Morganite; rose-coloured Beryll,
Goldenberyll; yellow-coloured Beryll
Heliodor; yellow-green-coloured Beryll
Bixbit; red-coulored Beryll |
The Amethyst is the best-known representative of the quarz family. The antic Greeks used
Amethyst as a talisman to protect them from getting inebriated. Therefore the name is
derived from the Greek "amethystos" = sober (not drunk).
It is found in many variations of shades from palest rosy purple to deep brilliant bluish
The most important occurrences are in Brazil, Uruguay and Zambia
The Citrine is the yellow gemstone of the quarz family. The very name evokes the
impression of freshness: a fine yellow riminding of the aroma of yellow Lemons (from Latin
"citrus" = lemon).
Most of the Citrines available on the Market result from suitable Amethysts having
been heated. The complete spectrum of colours ranges from pale yellow (Golden Citrine) to
(Palmeira Citrine) to reddisch brown (Madeira Citrine). The main occurrences is Brazil.
Naturally coloured Citrines are generally rare and most of them show pale colouring only
The most important Garnet occurrences are located Kenya, Tanzania. Ceylon and India.
The best-known Garnets are:
Rhodolithe; red-violette
Pyrop; red
Tsavorite; green
Spessartine; orange-brown
Dematoide; emeraldgreen
Tanzanite is quite a 'new' gemstone found in the late 1960s.
The name Tanzanite was giving by the company Tiffany in New York.
Tanzanite is in natural stage a brownish-grey gemstone that turns to a fantastic
blue-violet colour after heating. It was named Tanzanite by Tiffany & Co. in the late
1960s. The only occurrences is in Tanzania
The Tourmaline is the gemstone with the most diffrent colours in our programme.
Tourmalines exist in red, pink, yellow, green, blue, brown, black, multi-coloured and
The name Tourmaline was derived from the Singhalese word "turmali" = red or
brown gemstone. So the Dutch termed the stone Tourmaline when they brought it for the
first time from Ceylon to Europe in 1703.
The most prolific occurrences are located in Brazil, South-Africa, Namibia, Madagascar and
The best-known Tourmalines are:
Rubellite; intensive red
Verdelithe; green in all colours
Indigolithe; blue in all colours
Ernst Leyser, Kirschweiler/Germany